Sunday, October 23, 2005

No Pictures!

I feel like paparazzi ("gau jai dui" or pack of dogs in Cantonese) sometimes when I take pictures of Maddy. She lets me know how she feels every once in a while.

Burberry Baby

This is the outfit that Charmaine's colleague and friend Lucy bought for Madison. She is looking more and more like a little lady. We need to start calling her "Man siu jeh" (Miss Man) now.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

What a difference

Maddy is 6 months old tomorrow. What a difference half a year makes. She was so small before, and now she is like a giant meatball.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I've fallen and I can't get up!

When duck is not enough

This is Maddy eating her new bath toy. There's a piece of plastic on the bottom with material that will show the word "HOT" when the bath water is too hot. I had to put it in water that was pretty much boiling before I got a very faint "HOT" showing up. Not very effective. Anyway, Maddy showed us what she thought of the duck by trying to eat it.

When it wasn't enough she had a go at the tray for her highchair that my mom & dad bought for her. Not much luck with that either but her remarkable appetite has made itself known.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Assorted weekends

Assorted pictures. The first one here is Maddy with her new big sister Maya, daughter of our friends Aileen and Thanh. Maya is a real sweetheart and was real nice to Maddy.

Never too early

Being a Canadian girl, Maddy was getting in touch with her beer drinking roots. Even though it wasn't a Molsen she was quick to get in on the hooch.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


At long last the weather co-operated with us this week-end. It is cooling down nicely in Hong Kong and we had lunch at the American Club in Tai Tam out on the big grass lawn. Maddy was barefoot on the grass for the first time and as usual, she was pretty happy.

We also managed to have a 'family' picture done, thanks to our friend Paul. We actually have very few pictures with Charmaine, baby and me since I'm normally the one behind the lens and most people are frightened of my camera equipment.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


...what we do to Maddy sometimes to make us laugh. We just can't help it, though.

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